Presentation of the book by Alkistis Iliadi entitled "A Love with a P"

The presentation will be moderated by the Professor of Maritime History Gelina Harlaftis, Director of IMS/FORTH.


  • Akis Yovazolias, Professor of Counselling Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Crete
  • Anna Lygia, Educator, Psychologist/Psychotherapist, Parent Educator
  • Odysseas Apostolopoulos, Musician, Mental Health Counsellor HPD
  • Maria Vassiliadou - Irini Poimenidou, Antivaro Theatre Group
  • Ballet School Panaretaki Elina

The event will be accompanied by original music and songs by Odysseas Apostolopoulos/Alkistis Iliades based on the book and will also include a live musical performance with songs related to the content of the book and a dance performance.

The presentation will take place at the IMS (130 Nikiforou Fokas and Melissinou).