Katerina Seraïdari
Dr Katerina Seraïdari obtained her PhD in Social Anthropology and Ethnology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Toulouse, 2000). In 2007, she was awarded the Stanley J. Seeger Visiting Fellowship at the Program in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University. She has published three monographs: Le culte des icônes en Grèce, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2005; “May Her Grace be with us!” Devotional practices and ideological conflicts in the Cyclades, Athens, Erinni-Philippotis, 2007 (in Greek); and La ville, la nation et l’immigré. Rapports entre Grecs et Turcs à Bruxelles, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012. She is an associated member of LISST (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire, Solidarités, Sociétés,Territoires) and of the Centre d’Anthropologie Sociale (EHESS-CNRS-UPS-UTM, UMR 5193 of CNRS), Toulouse, France; and Senior Researcher at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS-FORTH, Rethymnon-Greece) for the research project RICONTRANS (ERC Consolidator Grant 2018) under the direction of Dr Yuliana Boycheva (2019-2024).