Institute for Mediterranean Studies


Remote Sensing Techniques For Archaelogy

Remote Sensing Techniques For Archaelogy

Historic cities, monuments, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes in urban and rural European sites are increasingly affected by natural and anthropic pressures. Progressive loss of historic sites is the major result of floods, mudslides, fire, earthquakes, climate change and other hazards. In particular, the intensive agriculture activities and the effects of climate changes are responsible of the increase of soil erosion and land movement phenomena, thus reducing the ability of soils to preserve the buried archaeological heritage and producing significant negative consequences on the conservation of cultural heritage.

RESEARCH project, funded by H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 - Grant Agreement 823987, aims to integrate and develop new and existing Remote Sensing (RS) methods specifically for Cultural Heritage (CH) safeguard and practice in the European scenarios, providing consistent transfer of knowledge and training in these techniques for researchers at European level. The project addresses the design and development of a multi-task platform, integrating satellite and UAV, aerial and ground-based RS technologies with GIS application for mapping, diagnostics and long term monitoring of cultural heritage sites, by means of a multidisciplinary researchers and professionals exchange.

Project Team