- Curriculum vitae
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- mini@uoc.gr
Panayiota Mini
Laboratory of Image, Sound and Movement
Panayiota Mini is Associate Professor in Film History at the Department of Philology of the University of Crete, Greece. She holds two MAs in film studies ( University of Crete 1993, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1995) and a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2002). Her PhD dissertation concerns Vsevolod Pudovkin’s silent cinema. Since 2003, she has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in world cinema, film theory and film aesthetics at the University of Crete. Between 2004 and 2009 she also taught Greek cinema and theatre at the Hellenic Open University. She has participated in two theatre research projects of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies and been awarded a post-doc scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation and a Fellowship in Comparative Cultural Studies from the Center of Hellenic Studies, Harvard University. Her research interests and publications concern Greek cinema, Soviet cinema, antiquity on film, film adaptation, film and ideology, film form, and Nikos Kazantzakis's screenplays. She is the author of The Filmic Form of Pain and of Aching Recollection: Takis Kanellopoulos’ Modernism (Athens, National Bank Cultural Foundation/MIET, 2018). She is co-editor of Domestic Servants: Historical Subjects and Artistic Representations in the Greek-Speaking World (19th-21st Centuries) (Athens, Panazisis, 2020) and Approaches to Film History (University of Crete & Institute for Mediterranean Studies, 2020).
Position: Associate Professor in Film History, Department of Philology, University of Crete
Postal Address:
Department of Philology
University of Crete
University Campus of Gallos
74100 Rethymno
tel: office: +30 28310 77264, mobile: +30 6948238691
e-mail: mini@uoc.gr
2002: |
Ph.D. Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison. |
1995-1997: |
Ph.D. coursework. Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Focus: Film Studies). |
1995: 1993: |
Master of Arts, Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Focus: Film Studies). MA Diploma in Film Studies, Department of Philology, University of Crete. |
1989: |
BA in Philology, Department of Philology, University of Crete. (Grade: Excellent. 8.98) |
«Pudovkin’s Cinema of the 1920s» (Dissertation committee: Professor Vance Kepley (advisor), Professor David Bordwell, Professor Lea Jacobs), Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002. Available from: Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services.
The Filmic Form of Pain and of Aching Recollection: Takis Kanellopoulos’ Modernism, Athens: National Bank Cultural Foundation (MIET), 2018 [in Greek].
P. Mini, A. Stavrakopoulou, I. Pipinia, C. Georgiadi (eds), The Servant in Greek History, Society and Art. Myth and Reality (working title), Herakleion: Crete University Press (forthcoming, in Greek).
University Textbook
Thodoros Grammatas, Panayiota Mini, Modern Greek Theatre (1600-1940)—Cinema [vol.2], Patras: EAP [Greek Open University], 2008 [in Greek, parts on cinema].
Articles in Academic Journals. Chapters in Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings.
«Muhammad as a synthesis of meditation and action: A 1932 Screenplay by Nikos Kazantzakis», in Kristian Petersen (ed.), New Approaches to Islam in Film, Routledge (Series: Routledge Studies in Religion and Film) (forthcoming).
«Going back to Gorki’s Ideas: Donskoi’s Film Adaptation of Mother», in Brigitte Le Juez, Nina Shiel and Mark Wallace (eds), (Re) Writing Without Borders: Contemporary Intermedial Perspectives on Literature and the Visual Arts (working title), Champaign, Illinois, US: CG Publishing (series: New Directions in the Humanities) (forthcoming).
«The Female Domestic Servant in Greek Film Comedy», in P. Mini, A. Stavrakopoulou, I. Pipinia, C. Georgiadi (eds), The Servant in Greek History, Society and Art. Myth and Reality (working title), Herakleion, Crete University Press (forthcoming, in Greek).
«Representations of the Christian Female Virtue in Roman Film Epics: The Sign of the Cross (1932) and Quo Vadis (1951)», in: Eran Almagor and Lisa Maurice (eds.), The Reception of Ancient Virtues and Vices in Modern Popular Culture: Beauty, Bravery, Blood and Glory, Brill, Leiden and Boston (Series: Metaforms), 2017, p. 231-252.
«The Image of the Turk in Greek Fiction Cinema: An Overview», Études balkaniques LІІІ, 2017, 1, p. 55-66.
«The October Revolution in Soviet Cinema», Ta Istorika 34: 66 (October 2017) (Special Issue: 1917: Between Revolution and History), p.165-185 [in Greek].
«The Historical Panorama in post-1974 Greek Cinema: The Travelling Players, Stone Years, Crystal Nights, The Weeping Meadow», Journal of Greek Media & Culture 2:2 (2016),
p. 133-153.
«Striving for the Maximum Appeal: Ideology and Propaganda in the Soviet Cinema of the 1920s and 1930s», in: Claire Molloy-Yannis Tzioumakis (eds), The Routledge Companion to Film and Politics, Routledge: New York, 2016, p. 161-174.
«A Red Handkerchief Made with Soviet Threads: Kazantzakis’s (and Istrati’s) Screenplay on the Greek Revolution of 1821», Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 2: 1. 2016, p. 49-65.
«Counter-Narratives of World War II in Greek Cinema», Revista de Filologia Romanica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid] vol. 33: No Especial: Reflejos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la literature y las artes II, 2016, p. 175-184. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RFRM/article/viewFile/55870/50648
«Die Okkupation Griechenlands im griechischen Kino» [=The Occupation of Greece in Greek Cinema] in C. Kambas and M. Mitsou (eds), Die Okkupation Griechenlands im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Griechische und deutsche Erinnerungskultur, Köln: Böhlau, 2015, p. 267-284 [in German].
«Greek Reviewers and New Modernist Trends in Greek Cinema of the 1960s», in: Theater and Cinema: Theory and Criticism (Symposium Proceedings), Athens: Etairia Spoudon Neoellinikou Politismou kai Genikis Paideias, 2012, p. 217-241 [in Greek].
«Reflections on Pain, Loss, and Memory: Takis Kanellopoulos’ Fiction Films of the 1960s», in: L. Papadimitriou, Y. Tzioumakis (eds.), Greek Cinema: Texts, Histories, Identities, Bristol-Chicago, Intellect Ltd., 2011, p. 239-254.
«Film Censorship in Greece in 1927: The Case of Eisenstein’s The Battleship Potemkin», Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 37: 1-2 (July 2011), p. 107-121.
«A Method of Film Adaptation Analysis: The Case of Pudovkin’s and Donskoi’s Adaptations of Gorky’s Mother» in: F Tambaki-Iona, M.E. Galani (eds), From Literature to Film (One-day Conference Proceedings), Athens: Egokeros, 2011, p. 19-42 [in Greek]
«Kazantzakis’s A Solar Eclipse (1932): A Screenplay for an International Competition», in Nikos Kazantzakis (One-day Conference Proceedings), Athens: Aikaterini Laskaridi Foundation, 2011, p. 159-176 [in Greek].
«The Advent of the Talkies and Greek Theatre», in: A. Glytzouris, K. Georgiadi (eds), Tradition and Modernization in Modern Greek Cinema. From its Beginning to the Post-War Era. Proceedings of the 3rd Han-Hellenic Conference in Theatre Studies, Herakleion: University of Crete Press, 2010, p. 521-530 [in Greek].
«Creating a Revolutionary Prophet for Cinema: N. Kazantzakis’s Screenplay Mohammed», in: S.N. Philippides (ed.), Kazantzakis in the 21st Century (International Conference Proceedings ‘Kazantzakis 2007: Fifty Years Later’ University of Crete, 2007), Herakleion: University of Crete Press – Editions of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Crete, 2010, p. 271-290 [in Greek].
«Vsevolod Pudovkin’s Chess Fever (1925) in its Historical Context», in: Alexandra Ioannidou, Christian Voß (eds), Spotlights on Russian and Balkan Cultural History, Munich-Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2009, p. 201-211.
«Images and ‘Subjective Reality’ in Kazantzakis’s Screenplay Don Quixote (1932)», in: A. Kastrinaki, A. Politis, D. Polychronakis (eds), Polyphony: Essays Dedicated to S. N. Philippides, Herakleion: University of Crete Press - Editions of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Crete, 2009, p. 213-229 [in Greek].
«Dada, Surrealist and Abstract Cinema», Ariadne 15 (2009), p. 165-183 [in Greek].
«From naturshchik to the Stanislavski System: Pudovkin’s Theories of the Film Actor», in: Ch. Adamou (ed.), The Actor between the Stage and the Screen, Athens: Kastaniotis, 2008, 87-99 [in Greek].
«Greek Film Auteurs. From 1965 to the present», in Thodoros Grammatas, Panayiota Mini, Modern Greek Theatre (1600-1940)—Cinema [vol.2], Patras: EAP [Greek Open University], 2008 σ. 69-113.
«A Life and Identity in Flux: Young Pontian Greeks in Konstantinos Giannaris’s From the Edge of the City», Ariadne 12 (2006), p. 215-228.
«Constantine Giannaris’ Hostage: Fear and Punishment for the Body of the Immigrant», in: A. Kartalou, A. Nikolaidou, Th. Anastasopoulos (eds.), Immigration in Greek Cinema 1956-2006 (Greek-English edition) Athens-Thessaloniki: Egokeros-Thessaloniki Film Festival, 2006, p. 72-76.
«Combining Greek and European Elements and Targeting a Wide Audience. Olympia Film’s The Shepherd’s Lover (1932)», Ta Istorika 23, no. 44 (June 2006): 161-180 [in Greek].
«Iakovos Kambanellis’ Stella in Red Gloves and Michael Cacoyannis’s Stella», in: Proceedings of the Pan-Hellenic Conference in Honor of Iakovos Kambanellis (Supplement)], Patras, Peri Technon, 2006, p. 26-37 [in Greek].
«Echoing the Standard Soviet Literary Criticism and the Party Rhetoric: Kozintsev’s Understanding of Shakespeare and Hamlet», in: Asli Tekinay (ed.), Tribute to Professor Oya Basak: (Re) reading Shakespeare in Text and Performance. Selected Papers from the Oya Basak Conference, Istanbul: Bogazici University Press, 2005, p. 177-185.
«Scientific Filmmaking and Soviet Ideology: The Case of Mechanics of the Brain», Essays in Arts and Science, vol. XXXIII, no.1 (summer 2004), p. 3-18.
«The Film Adaptation of Gorki’s Mother by Pudovkin», Themata Logotechnias 26, (May-August 2004), p. 128-146 [in Greek].
«Berde and Screen Escapees: The Agony of the Author in Lefteris Xanthopoulos’s Master of the Shadows» in: Foteini Tomai-Konstantopoulou (ed.), Reality and Myth in Lefteris Xanthopoulos’ Creative Work, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Service of Diplomatic and Historical Archives: Film Archive. Series: The Testimony of the Film Image, Athens: Papazisis, 2003, p. 127-161 [in Greek].
Other Publications (book reviews, online publications, encyclopedia entries [in Greek]
«For Nikos Kazantzakis’s Early Plays», Ta Istorika 33: 64 (October 2016), p. 258-262. Book Review of Antonis Glytzouris's, Wishes of an Eagle and Wings of a Butterfly. Nikos Kazantzakis’s Early Dramas and the European Avant-Garde, Crete University Press, Iraklion, 2009 (544 pp.)
«Teaching the Holocaust through Film», 26/10/2014 (and 7/2/2015), http://www.oanagnostis.gr/i- didaskalia-tou-olokaftomatos-mesa-apo-ton-kinimatografo/
«On Lakis Papastathis». Book review of Giannis Kiourtsakis’s book on filmmaker Lakis Papastathis, 5/10/2014 http://www.oanagnostis.gr/gia-ton-laki-papastathi/
«The Four Seasons of Nikos Koundouros». Book review of Lefteris Xanthopoulos’ book on Nikos Koundouros, 28/11/2014 http://www.oanagnostis.gr/i-4-epoches-tou-nikou-koundourou
«American Cinema», in: Instructional Greek Encyclopedia, vol. 28: Theater, Cinema, Music, Dance, Athens, Ekdotike Athenon, 1999, p. 20-26 (encyclopedia entry).
3/6/2018: «Stratis Karras and Cinema», History and Historiography of Modern Greek Theater Conference, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Rethimno, 1-3 June 2018. Invited speaker.
27/5/2018: «New Approaches to the Work of Theo Angelopoulos», 1st Research Meeting of the Center for Research and Studies, in Humanities, Social Sciences & Pedagogics , 26-27 May 2018, University Campus of Gallos, Rethimno.
15/12/2017: «Film and History: The Child in World War II», Seminar Week 'Child and Cinema:
Representations of Childhood in Films about World War II', School of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, 11-17 December 2017. Invited speaker.
13/12/2017: «Angelopoulos's Greece», Talk at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies - Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Rethymno. Invited speaker.
18/11/2017: «Horror in Cinema: Plots and Techniques», One-day Conference 'Readings on Horror Literature and Cinema', Department of Philology, University of Crete, Xenia, Rethymno.
Invited speaker.
4/11/2017: «The 1917 Revolution in the Soviet Cinema of the 1930s», Conference: Art and Ideology: 100 Years since the October Revolution, Panteion University, Dept. of Communication, Media and Culture, Athens 3-4 November 2017, Keynote Address.
2/6/2017: «Kazantzakis Adapting Cervantes and Boccaccio», 20th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association International Congress, University of Malta, Mediterranean Institute, Valletta, Malta, May 31 – June 3, 2017.
26/5/2017: «Ideology and Style in Soviet Film Adaptation of the 1960s: Kozintsev’s Hamlet», Conference ‘Film Adaptation: Theory, Practices, Reception’, School of Film Studies and School of English, Aristotle University, May 25-27, 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
19/4/2017: «Angelopoulos’s Greece», The Theo Angelopoulos Symposium, The Norwegian Institute, Athens, April 18-19, 2017. Invited speaker.
3/12/2016: «As the Priorities Change: The Female Domestic Servant in Greek Film Comedy», Interdisciplinary Conference «The Servant in Greek Art, History and Society: Myths and Reality», 2-3 December 2016, “Xenia”, Rethymno.
28/5/2016: «The Female Domestic Servant in Greek Film Comedy», 19th Annual Studies Association International Congress, University of Palermo, Italy.
18/5/2016: «Counter-Narratives of World War II in Greek Cinema: Art, Memory, Politics», Conference: «War Reflections: Precedents and Consequences of WWII in Literature and the Arts»/«Reflejos de la guerra: antecedentes y consecuencias de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la literatura y en las artes», Complutense University, Madrid.
24/8/2015: «Going Back to Gorky’s Ideas: Mark Donskoy’s Mother», ENCLS/REELC 6th Biennial Congress, Dublin City University – National University of Ireland, Galway, Dublin and Galway.
30/5/2015: «Filmic Representations of Greek Island Life», 18th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association International Congress, EKPA, Athens.
22/5/2015: «Mercia in The Sign of the Cross: An Ideal Roman Girl during the Great Depression», Legacy of Antiquity in Visual and Performing Arts Conference, University of Łódź, Poland.
9/5/2015: «Film Narration and the Interpretation of the Past in Contemporary Greek Cinema», Contemporary Film Cultures Conference 2015, Seattle, WA.
24/11/2013: «The Popular Soviet Cinema of the 1920s and 1930s: Form and Ideology», 1st Pan-Hellenic Film Symposium ‘Cine sin Nafplio’, Department of Theater Studies, University of Peloponnese, Nafplio. Invited speaker.
10/6/2013: «Representations of the Christian Female Virtue in Roman Film Epics. The Sign of the Cross (1932) and Quo Vadis (1951)», ‘Beauty, Bravery, Blood and Glory: Ancient Virtues and Vices in Modern Popular Culture’ Conference, Bar-Ilan University & Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
2/04/2013: «The Cinema of the Weimar Republic: Allegories and Criticism of Social Reality», Workshop: “Society, Economy and Politics in the Weimar Republic,” Post-graduate Program on Sociology, University of Crete, Rethymno. Invited speaker.
20/07/2012: «Shaping the Past Differently: The Second World War in Greek Art Cinema of the1960s and 1970s», Conference: Erinnerungskultur und Geschichtspolitik der Okkupation Griechenlands (1941-1944). Deutsch-griechisches Gedächtnis in Medien und Literatur, Munich. Invited speaker.
12/07/2012: «The Roman Empire in Hollywood Cinema», Talk as Olympia Fellow in Comparative Cultural Studies (of the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University), Harvard Summer Program in Olympia and Nafplio, Olympia.
15/10/2011: «Macedonian Wedding (1960): Takis Kanellopoulos’s Film Reconstruction of Northern Greek Wedding Rituals», 22nd Modern Greek Studies Association Symposium, New York.
17/4/2010: «Greek Reviewers and New Modernist Trends in Greek Cinema of the 1960s», Academic Symbosium: Theater and Cinema: Theory and Criticism, Athens: Etairia Spoudon Neoellinikou Politismou kai Genikis Paideias. Invited speaker.
18/12/2010: «A Method of Film Adaptation Analysis: The Case of the Adaptation of Gorky’s Mother by Pudovkin», One Day Conference ‘From Literature to Film’, Department of French Language and Literature, EKPA. Invited speaker.
25/10/2008: «The Advent of the Talkies and Greek Theatre», 3rd Han-Hellenic Conference in Theatre Studies Tradition and Modernization in Modern Greek Cinema. From its Beginning to the Post-War Era. Rethymno, Department of Philology, University of Crete-Institute of Mediterranean Studies.
24/05/2008: «Variations on loss, pain and memory: Takis Kanellopoulos’ Fiction Films». Conference: Greek Cinema: Texts, Contexts, Histories, Liverpool John Moores University - The University of Liverpool, Liverpool.
23/2/2008: «Subjective and Objective Reality in N. Kazantzakis’s Screenplay Don Quixote (1932)». Conference in honor of Professor Emeritus Stamatis Philippides, Department of Philology, University of Crete.
5/11/2007: «From naturshchik to the Stanislavski System: Pudovkin’s Theories of the Film Actor», International Conference ‘The Actor between the Stage and the Screen’, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki-School of Fine Arts, Thessaloniki. Invited speaker.
12/11/2007: «Creating a Revolutionary Prophet for Cinema: N. Kazantzakis’s Screenplay Mohammed», One Day Conference ‘Nikos Kazantzakis’, Aikaterini Laskaridi Foundation, Piraeus. Invited speaker.
19/5/2007: «Creating a Revolutionary Prophet for Cinema: N. Kazantzakis’s Screenplay Mohammed», International Conference ‘Kazantzakis 2007: Fifty Years Later’ Rethymno, Herakleion, University of Crete. Invited speaker.
1/10/2006: «Chess Fever by Pudovkin», First Interdisciplinary Slavic Studies Conference: Slavic Studies after the EU-Enlargement: Challenges and Prospects, Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki. Invited speaker.
2/07/2006: «Contemporary Greek Cinema». ‘Films without Frontiers’ Conference, European Cinema Research Forum, Swansea, University of Wales.
09/ 2005: «Constantly Crossing Borders: Constantinos Giannaris’s From the Edge of the City», Borders and Borderlands Seminar, Durrell School of Corfu, Corfu.
23/10/2004: «Iakovos Kambanellis’ Stella in Red Gloves and Michael Cacoyannis’ Stella», in: Proceedings of the 1st Pan-Hellenic Conference in Honor of Iakovos Kambanellis, Department of Theater Studies, University of Patras. Invited speaker.
14/5/2004: «Echoing the Standard Soviet Literary Criticism and the Party Rhetoric: Kozintsev’s Understanding of Shakespeare and Hamlet». Conference: (Re)reading Shakespeare: Text and Performance, Bogazici University, Istanbul.
19/9/2003: «Warners’ Promotion of Busby Berkeley’s Musicals». Conference: Film Musicals: From the Classical Era to Postmodern Cinema, University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork.
18/3/2000: «Space in Ivan the Terrible». ‘Style and Meaning’ Conference, University of
Reading, UK.
2/03/2000: «Ideology, Narrative, and Style in Pudovkin’s Mother». Talk at the Colloquium of the Department of Communication Arts, UW-Madison.
25/2/2000: «An Art-Cinema Director Works for an American Studio: Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow Up», 28th Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville.
28/12/1999: «Vsevolod Pudovkin’s Work and the Soviet Film Industry», AATSEEL ’99 (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages), Chicago.
9/10/1999: «Vsevolod Pudovkin’s Mother: Translating Gorky’s Book into a Leninist Account of 1905» (AATSEEL-WISCONSIN Conference) University of Wisconsin- Madison.
13/3/1999: «Investing in Entertainment and Ideology: The Production Strategies of the
Mezhrabpom Studio». Conference ‘The Genius of the (Other) System: The Rise and Fall of the Major Soviet Studios’, Berkeley, University of California.
26/2/1999: «Stylistic Development in Yegveny Zamyatin’s Short Works: The Interplay of
Form and Meaning in Islanders (1917), “The Cave” (1920), and “X” (1926)»,
27th Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville.
17/09/1998: «Style and Narration in the New Greek Cinema: An Analysis of Vasilis Vafeas’s
Feature Films». Conference ‘Theatres of War: Fifty Years of Greek Cinema’,
University of Cambridge, UK.
February 2018: «Cinema in History Studies and History Teaching», Training Seminar for the High School Instructors of the Municipality of Rethymno, Crete.
November 2014: «Takis Kanellopoulos». Talk at “The Poets of the Image: Alexis Damianos, Stavros Tornes, Takis Kanellopoulos” Series, Gavrielidis Publishing House, Athens.
February 2014: «The Holocaust in Cinema». Talk at the “Discussions on Fascism,”
organized by the Antifascist Group of ELME, Rethymno.
January 2014: Introduction to Fritz Lang’s Μ, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Crete, Rethymno.
April 2010: «The Comic Element in Jacques Tati’s Films». Talk at the Interdepartmental Readings (1st circle: laughter), Department of Philology, University of Crete.
May 2009: Talk on Jacques Tati’s Mon Oncle (1958) at the 7th Festival of the University of Crete Film Association, Herakleion.
December 2008: «Ideological Argument and Film Form in the Soviet Montage School: S.M. Eisenstein’s The Battleship Potemkin». Talk at the three-day Film Circle “Introductory Look,” Pagopoiion, Herakleion.
May 2008: Book presentation: Armed Cameras (ed. Ch. Yovanopoulos Athens: A/synecheia 2008), May Days ’68 Festival, Herakleion.
October 2007: «Creating a Revolutionary Prophet for Cinema. Kazantzakis’s Screenplay Mohammed». Talk at the ‘Three-days of Literature and Art,’ Culture Organization of Agios Nikolaos, Crete.
May 2003: «Subverting Conventions: Dada and Surrealism in Cinema». Talk at the
‘Beyond Realism’ Festival, Film Society of the University of Crete, Herakleion.
Collaborating Faculty Member of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies.
Department of Philology, University of Crete
Associate Professor of Film History (October 2017 to the present). Assistant Professor of Film History (March 2010 -October 2017. Elected to tenure in February 2014). Lecturer in Film History (March 2006 - March 2010). Adjunct Lecturer (March 2003- March 2006)
Undergraduate Courses Taught
a. Lectures:
Film History Ι
Film History ΙΙ
Film History ΙΙΙ (Contemporary Developments)
European Film Movements I
European Film Movements ΙΙ
History of Greek Cinema (from its beginnings to the present)
Introduction to Film Art
The Film Auteur: Ford, Hitchcock, Fellini
Film Comedy
Theory of Film
History of Greek Theater, 20th Century
b. Seminars:
Representations of History in Cinema
Approaches to Studying Film
Film and Literature: Film Adaptation
The Cinema of Federico Fellini
Italian Neorealism
Film Musical
The Soviet Montage School
Charlie Chaplin
Graduate Courses Taught
Film History and Historiography
Representations of History in World Cinema
Film and Literature. Film Adaptation.
Narrative and Stylistic Analysis of Film
Film Theory
Approaches to Studying Film (genres and stars)
Classical Film Theory
Post World War II Theory of Film
The Auteur Theory
Roman Emperor in Latin Literature and in Cinema (co-caught with Stelios Panayotakis,
Associate Professor of Classics, Department of Philology, University of Crete)
Β. Greek Open University 2005/6 through 2008/9.
Adjunct Lecturer of the course «Modern Greek Theatre 1600-1940. Greek Cinema». Coordinator: Chrisanthi Sotiropoulou (Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, University of Patras).
C. Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Teaching Assistant. Taught: «Speech Composition» (1998-2000, four semesters), «Introduction to Film» (1996-1997, one semester), «Public Speaking» (1994-1996, four semesters).
D. 2nd Technical and Vocational School of Athens.
Acad. year: 1997-1998. Greek language and literature teacher (Filologos).
A. Supervisor of two Ph.D. candidates in Film Studies, Department of Philology, University of Crete (PhD. theses in progress).
B. Supervisor of eleven MA students (MA theses completed) and eight MA students (coursework or MA theses in progress) in Film Studies, Department of Philology, University of Crete.
C. Member of the three-member Ph.D. committees of: Nikos Tsagarakis, «The Greek Avant-Garde Cinema», Department of Philology, University of Crete, 2017, and S. Petrides, «Slasher Films: A Theoretical and Historical Approach», Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 2017.
D. Member of the three-member Ph.D. committee of two Ph.D. theses on film in progress (Department of Philology, UoC, and Department of Theater Studies, University of Patras).