Shadow Trade: Unraveling Maritime Smuggling Between the Russian and Ottoman Empires (1853-1914)
Principal Investigator: Anna (Ganna) Sydorenko
Funding body: European Research Council (Starting Grant 2024, Project ID 101166144)
Start date: 1 December 2024, End date: 30 November 2029
Total Budget: € 1,490,250
Host Institution: IMS-FORTH
The project aspires to advance our knowledge of inter-imperial relations beyond conventional geopolitical approaches. Understanding the smuggling seascape and how these two neighbouring powers navigated their shadow relations adds depth to our comprehension of the broader Eastern European economic, social, and political relations and introduces new layers to our appreciation of the region’s modern history.
This project focuses on the less-explored area of illegal trade relations in the context of evolving conflicts between the empires, the changing landscape of legal trade during an era of increasing globalization, and the shift from sail to steam technology. Specifically, it will comprehensively analyse various facets of the smuggling of both goods and people within the established trade routes, connections, and networks. The analysis will examine the macrostructure of the smuggling linkages, focusing on the hinterland of production/origin of clandestine trade and the foreland, the destination of material and human cargoes. It aims to identify the main nodes of export and import and the means of transportation.
This endeavor will be anchored in a newly introduced smuggling network model, which offers a structured framework and a comprehensive methodological approach for thoroughly investigating the subject matter. It takes a multifaceted approach, serving as a bridge between different linguistic and national narratives and disciplinary assumptions. By delving into the nuanced history of smuggling from the perspectives of various empires, the project aims to make significant contributions to Modern History, Political History, Economic History, Maritime History, and studies of empire.
On a societal level, the project will make a significant contribution by offering a historical perspective on phenomena that have contemporary political, geopolitical, economic, and social impacts in both times of peace and times of war. The new historical insights into the smuggling of goods and people in the Black, Azov Seas, and Southeastern Mediterranean will provide the general public with valuable tools to develop a deep understanding of this issue over time.