Διάλεξη του Andrea Colli με θέμα «Business History: Complexities and Comparisons»

Το Ινστιτούτο Μεσογειακών Σπουδών/ΙΤΕ σας καλεί στη διάλεξη του

Andrea Colli

με θέμα Business History: Complexities and Comparisons

Τρίτη, 2 Απριλίου ώρα 20.30
Αίθουσα Διαλέξεων ΙΜΣ, Νικηφόρου Φωκά 130, Ρέθυμνο

(παρακαλούμε δείτε την αφίσα της εκδήλωσης)

Business history is a relatively new field in the broader area of economic history, and history more in general. Through the longitudinal, and comparative analysis of business leaders' choices and decisions, and of their organizational responses to the challenges generated by market, technological and institutional changes, business history also aims at responding to more general queries as those concerning economic growth and development, processes of convergence and divergence, and the shifting economic, and political leadership in the long run. Business history is, of course, not only a way to address issues concerning the economic sphere but is a powerful and privileged point of view in order to understand the broader realm of social history. Business enterprises and entrepreneurs in general continuously confront themselves with radical changes in the social structure, in demographic trends, but also in culture and norms, which provide both opportunities and challenges. The seminar, based on a textbook jointly written by Franco Amatori and Andrea Colli (Business History. Complexities and Comparisons, Routledge 2017) will provide a general overview of this fascinating area of historical studies.